
Below are training and education courses from CAARA members as of March 2013.

Archives New Zealand

Archives New Zealand has developed a programme of exciting courses to support recordkeeping across the state sector and local government. The courses are aimed at records and information managers, their staff, and other staff who have responsibility for recordkeeping systems.

The key aim of the courses is to:

  • Develop knowledge and skills in individual recordkeeping staff.
  • Raise awareness across the state sector and local government of the Public Records Act 2005 (the Act) and the key responsibilities of recordkeeping staff under the Act.
  • Support Archives New Zealand’s products and services including Continuum publications.

Archives New Zealand offers a number of courses to support recordkeeping across the state sector and for community archives.

Introduction to the Public Records Act

Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Too Afraid to Ask

1 day
$380.00 +GST

This course introduces you to the key provisions contained in the Public Records Act, provides plenty of opportunity to work through real examples, and helps you determine what your next recordkeeping steps should be. It is intended for people working in public offices who have responsibility for aspects of recordkeeping. This includes records managers, records staff, archivists, recordkeeping support roles, information technology professionals and project managers.

Appraisal and Disposal of Public Records

Hands on Training in Getting it Right

2 days
$650.00 +GST

Every day the government creates an enormous number of records and it is not practical or necessary to keep every individual record. However it is important to identify and preserve government records that document the rights and entitlements of citizens and enable government to be accountable for its actions.

This course introduces you to the appraisal, sentencing and disposal of records. We cover hard copy records as well as new content about records held in file shares, line of business systems and EDRMS. This course is intended for people working in public offices who have responsibility for particular aspects of recordkeeping. This includes: Recordkeepers (records managers, records officers, archivists, and recordkeeping support roles), IT Managers and staff (who are responsible for ensuring that systems support the management of electronic records), and Project Managers and Support Teams (who need to know how to manage the appraisal, sentencing and disposal of records in their electronic recordkeeping systems).

Recordkeeping Metadata

Getting to Grips with Data About Data 

1 day
$380.00 +GST

The Electronic Recordkeeping Metadata Standard establishes principles and minimum requirements for creating and managing recordkeeping metadata in electronic environments. This is a mandatory minimum standard for all public offices and local authorities (excluding schools).

This course introduces you to the requirements contained within the Metadata Standard and provides plenty of opportunity to work through real examples, and understand how you can implement the Standard in your organisation.

This course is intended for people working in public offices and local authorities who have responsibility for particular aspects of recordkeeping. This includes recordkeeping and information management professionals (Records Managers, Information Managers and Knowledge Managers), and IT professionals (CIOs, IT Managers and Project Managers).

The Public Records Act and Local Government Records and Archives

Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Too Afraid to Ask – In Local Government!

2 days
$650.00 +GST

This course introduces you to the key provisions contained in the Public Records Act as they apply to local authority records and archives. It provides plenty of opportunity to work through real examples, and helps you determine what your next recordkeeping and archiving steps should be.

It is intended for people working in local authorities who have responsibility for aspects of recordkeeping. This includes: records managers, records officers, archivists, recordkeeping support roles, it professionals and project managers.

Preparing Records for Transfer

Hands on Training in Getting it Right

1/2 day
$200.00 +GST

The process of transferring records to Archives New Zealand is key to future use of the records. For researchers to be able to access them the records must be well labelled, well listed and safely boxed.

This workshop introduces you to the requirements for transfer to Archives NZ, and uses real examples to practice listing and boxing. It focuses on hands on activities and addresses legacy records as well as current material and covers how to plan a transfer project.

This course is intended for people working in public offices with responsibility for transferring records to Archives New Zealand. This includes recordkeeping and information management professionals such as Records Managers, and Records Officers, as well as any administration staff involved in transfer projects.

Introduction to Digitisation

‘Plan before you scan’

1 day
$380.00 +GST

Many public offices and local authorities are thinking about – or have started scanning records (digitisation). This digitisation may be part of a routine business process (for example, the scanning of inwards correspondence) or it may be a specific project.

This course introduces you to the requirements contained within the Digitisation Standard and provides plenty of opportunity to work through real examples, and understand how you can implement the Standard in your organisation.
The course is intended for people working in public offices and local authorities who are responsible for digitisation. It is suitable for Recordkeeping and Information Management professionals; Information Technology professionals; and Business Analysts.

Recordkeeping for Business Systems – Tools and Strategies

‘Know your business; Know your records’

1 day
$380.00 +GST

Many public offices and local authorities are getting to grips with records in shared drives and Electronic Document Records Management Systems (EDRMS). However, many of an organisation’s important records are held in business systems such as financial or asset management systems.

The Recordkeeping for Business Systems – Tools and Strategies course introduces you to business systems and where and how to identify the records held within them. The course also provides and explores functional requirements for records in these systems.

Who is it for?

The course targets people working in public offices and local authorities who are involved in the selection or maintenance of business systems.

Recordkeeping and information management professionals – Records Managers, Information Managers and Knowledge Managers

Information Technology professionals –IT Managers, Project Managers,

Business Analysts charged with developing functional requirements

Digital Continuity

‘Maintain your digital information’

1 day course, 9am-4pm
$380.00 +GST

The course is a starting point for all staff in public offices and local authorities who have an interest in or responsibility for maintaining digital information over time, and would like to learn more about digital continuity.

The course will:

  • help to understand the key digital continuity issues
  • help to identify specific digital continuity risks and mitigations
  • work through case studies inspired by real-life examples of the digital continuity challenges facing agencies
  • give a chance to carry out a Digital Continuity Health Check
  • provide a starting point for developing or contributing to the development of a targeted Digital Continuity Action Plan
  • other resources available to help you manage digital continuity

The course is not designed to teach digital preservation techniques, such as how to access an obsolete file format or migrate information between file formats.

Introduction to Archives Management

‘Where and how to start with archives management’

2 days
$110.00 incl. GST

This course covers the key requirements of preserving collections of records that are of high importance to the community. It promotes the concept of archives as a tool for preserving history for the benefit of future generations.

Participants will be able to develop an excellent understanding of the requirements for preserving their collection and records of high value. The course will encourage the sharing of experiences and information and facilitate dialoge on the key issues facing community organisations in relation to the preservation of collections and records of high value. Opportunities are provided to connect to a larger archival community network in order to obtain assistance and support.
This course is intended for people who work in Archives, Museums, Libraries, Businesses, iwi Māori, sports and other community clubs and organisations, who want to learn more about the care and management of archives. It is not suitable for government employees as it does not cover requirements under the Public Records Act 2005.

Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office

Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office (TAHO) conducts a range of half-day or full-day sessions.  Courses are offered several times each year in Hobart and Launceston and are periodically delivered to regional areas.

Administrative arrangements for the courses are managed by the Tasmanian Training Consortium.

During 2013 the range of coursed offered will be reduced, while TAHO redesigns its approach to the development of disposal schedules.  The following full- day courses will be offered:

Introduction to Records Management

This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of record keeping regulations, principles and processes.

Disposal Procedures

This course covers the legal framework for management and disposal of State and Local government records, sentencing procedures for scheduled records, appraisal of unscheduled records, the preparation of records for transfer to the Archives Office and the formal accountability processes for destroying records.

During 2013 courses on Disposal procedures and Developing Disposal Schedules will be redeveloped.

Information Managers’ Forums

TAHO hosts two information management forums annually to provide professional development and networking opportunities for government agencies.

Forums include information and records management updates from TAHO, industry presentations and also provides a mechanism for information management professionals across government to share their expertise and experiences.

Workshops & Working Groups

Disposal Schedule Development Working Group

TAHO coordinates a working group for agencies currently developing or reviewing a disposal schedule.  This provides Agencies with the opportunity to share experiences ask questions & raise issues and learn from others.

Archiving and Disposal Workshop

Practical 2hr workshop where participants can gain experience listing records for disposal or transfer.

Northern Territory Records Service

In the Northern Territory Government, the archives and records functions have been split and are no longer in the same organisation. The NT Archives Service looks after archives and the Department of Corporate and Information Services, ICT Division, looks after records policy and systems related issues as the “Records Service” under the amended legislation, the Information Act.

Below is an update of the training facilitated through the Department of Corporate and Information Services, ICT Division:

HP TRIM Training

HP TRIM Train-the-Trainer training is provided in-house by the NTG Records Systems section. All other training from Administrator level down is outsourced.

HP TRIM User Forum

This forum is held quarterly and is attended by TRIM administrators and support staff from all agencies. It provides advice, and addresses issues raised, on all aspects and management of the NT Government’s corporate records management system, HP TRIM.

National Archives of Australia

Information is a valuable asset and, like other assets, such as vehicles, buildings or money, its management requires information professionals with appropriate capabilities, skills and knowledge.

The information management profession is broad and dynamic. As the Australian Government progresses towards digital continuity, information professionals should continually update their capabilities, skills and knowledge through formal or informal professional development. In today’s digital environment, the focus is on capabilities to manage digital information in all systems where it’s created, transmitted, managed and accessed.


The Archives series of eLearning products are designed to help build digital information and records management knowledge and capabilities across the Australian Government. The videos and modules offer a flexible, efficient and cost effective way to enhance learning.

GAIN Australia (Government Agencies Information Network) Forums

Government Agencies Information Network or GAIN Australia is a national network supporting agency information and records managers in the Australian Government.

GAIN Australia provides professional development and networking opportunities through online and face-to-face forums. It includes information and records management updates from the National Archives and also provides mechanisms for information management professionals across government to share their expertise and experiences.

Access our GAIN Australia e-bulletins to stay up to date with National Archives’ information and records management news and initiatives.

Join the Government Agencies Information Network (GAIN) Australia online forum.

Public Record Office Victoria

September 30, 2011 marked the formal end of Public Record Office Victoria’s Recordkeeping Standards project. Training delivered as part of this project included introductory workshops on the Strategic Management, Operations Management, Disposal and Storage standards and information sessions on the Capture, Control and Access standards. A number of briefing sessions were held on topics specific to each standard, including the destruction of electronic records and auditing agency recordkeeping.

PROV is currently reviewing its training strategy and methods of delivery for 2013 and beyond. The intention is to focus on the development of online training to reach the widest possible audience. Our conclusion was that face-to-face training could not even train replacements for the churn of records professionals within the public sector, let alone the broader public service. Face-to-face training will be limited to training in specific tasks that require co-ordination between external stakeholders and PROV staff (e.g. transfer). Even with this, it is intended to limit face-to-face training to agencies with an immediate need to use the skills.

The following training material is currently available on the PROV website:

Recordkeeping Fundamentals e-learning

This e-learning module is designed to ensure agency staff have a common understanding of basic recordkeeping concepts, including the principles from each Recordkeeping Standard. The course includes a question and multiple choice learning review and a completion certificate that can be printed upon its successful completion.

Self-paced Learning Modules

Modules consist of training course materials for each of the seven recordkeeping standards and a presentation on the Evidence Act. This information can be used to deliver group training sessions or can be worked through on an individual basis.

Materials available include:

  • Training course manual
  • Training course PowerPoint slides
  • Case Studies
  • Other supporting documentation

PROV does not conduct training sessions for general records management concepts or the Recordkeeping Standards. Further training options can be sourced from professional associations such as Records and Information Management Professionals Australia and Australian Society of Archivists.

Community Archives

In 2012 Public Record Office Victoria, through the community Archives unit has delivered a suite of Archival Support Training sessions to support community groups caring for historical collections and archives in Victoria.

Just Digitise It

Just Digitise is a one day practical workshop Funded through the National Library of Australia’s Community Heritage Grants.  Participants to learn how to digitise their cultural collections and gain experience in the process of digitisation from planning through to publishing online.  Training sessions were delivered from 2011-2012.

A training manual and video demonstration have been developed to assist groups with their digitising projects and these are available online.  The material is based on the training, and allows those who have attended the training to share lessons and motivate others in their community groups.

Training 2013 – Managing Small Archives

Funded through the National Library of Australia’s Community Heritage grants, this training will be focused on community collecting organisations who care for small archival collections and who are largely made up of volunteers and working within constrained budgets and resources.  The training will be focused on providing practical advice and solutions to issues as well as being hands on so participants acquire practical skills they can apply in their own organisations.  The training will be free of charge to participants and will be delivered as two modules.

Module 1 – Understanding your collection

Delivery: Archives Consultant

Topics to be covered are:

What are archives?

Developing a collection and acquisition policy

Deciding what to keep – appraisal

Receiving records – acquisition & provenance

Understanding what I have in my collection – records survey

Organising my collection – Arranging and Describing

Copyright and Privacy

Module 2 – Principles for caring and managing your collection

Delivery: Conservator, Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation; PROV staff

Topics Covered

Storing archives – your building, security, shelving, environmental controls

Preservation and Conservation of paper and Photographic records

Handling records

Koorie Records Unit

The Koorie Records Unit promotes awareness about records relating to Aboriginal people within Victorian Government records, about accessing Aboriginal records held by both the National Archives of Australia and Public Record Office Victoria, and seeks to generally improve access to these records for the Aboriginal community.

Researching government records about Aboriginal people in Victoria

This information session can be adapted to a variety of audiences, and includes:

  • an overview of the aims and services of the Koorie Records Unit,
  • the types of records held by PROV and NAA,
  • information about key resources to assist Aboriginal people and other researchers accessing the collection, and
  • examples of research that can be conducted into records about Aboriginal people at the Victorian Archives Centre.

Access Services

Public Researcher Seminars

These seminars have been designed to assist the public who are undertaking research at PROV, these seminars are run monthly.

These seminars cover the following topics:

  • General introduction to PROV and the collection
  • Advanced collection searching
  • Seminars on specific parts of the collection
  • Family research at PROV.

Become a Wiki Warrior

At this practical workshop, participants learn how to use the PROV Wiki as a research tool and how to contribute their knowledge about the PROV collection. Participants learn how to upload images of records, add transcribed text and pinpoint records using Google maps.

Queensland State Archives

Queensland State Archives offers a range of online and in-person training opportunities to public sector employees and members of the public. For the latest information on available training opportunities, see:

Online Training Resources

Queensland State Archives provides the following free online training resources to facilitate recordkeeping training for all Queensland public sector employees:

Managing Emails that are Public Records

(free online module)

This dynamic online training module provides all Queensland public sector employees with an overview of their personal responsibilities in relation to managing emails that are public records.

Introduction to Recordkeeping

(free adaptable online resource)

This presentation provides a basic introduction to recordkeeping for all Queensland public sector employees. It may be downloaded and freely adapted or expanded by an organisation to maximise its effectiveness as a training tool. An updated interactive module will supersede this online resource in the near future (see below).

Trainer’s Manual: Introduction to Recordkeeping

(free online resource)

This resource complements the Introduction to Recordkeeping presentation and is designed to facilitate training within the Queensland public sector. It may be downloaded and freely adapted or expanded by an organisation to maximise its effectiveness as a training tool.

Additional online resources under development

The Online Training Strategy Project currently underway will deliver a suite of online training modules targeted at public authority staff as part of the larger Recordkeeping Training Framework and Program for Queensland State Archives.

The online training modules to be delivered in this project are:

  • Introduction to Recordkeeping
  • Introduction to Retention and Disposal of Public Records

It is anticipated that additional modules will be delivered over the next two years. These may cover matter such as Records Management Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.

Records and Information Management Forums

Records and Information Management Forums provide an opportunity for representatives of Queensland public authorities to increase their knowledge of contemporary recordkeeping and information management issues. These Forums also enable participants to meet with key information management professionals from Queensland State Archives and other public sector organisations.

Digital Continuity Forums

Digital continuity discussion forums provide opportunities for representatives from public authorities to hear more about the digital continuity work plan and to provide input and feedback to help shape future priorities.


Queensland State Archives offers recordkeeping masterclasses to provide information management practitioners with specialised training in contemporary industry-specific areas. Masterclass topics include Recordkeeping Metadata and Recordkeeping in Business Systems.

Public Access Training

Queensland State Archives offers regular seminars to members of the research community on effective searching and theme based research in the Queensland State Archives’ collection. These training sessions are of one to two hours duration and entry is free, though booking is necessary. For the latest information on available training dates, see

Senior Executive Resources

IM for the non-IM Executive Briefing

In early 2010, a series of Information Management for the non-Information Management Executive briefings were organised by Queensland State Archives, the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Public Service Commission to draw attention to the strategic advantages of effective information management and the role senior executives can play in achieving these benefits.

These briefings were led by Dr Marianne Broadbent, a leader in the field of information management. Dr Broadbent is a Senior Partner with EWK International and a former Senior Vice-President of New Product Development for Gartner Inc., Associate Dean at Melbourne Business School and Visiting Researcher at Boston University.

One of these briefings was recorded to provide Queensland Government executive management teams the opportunity to enhance their IM strategic leadership capabilities. A DVD of this recording is available to Queensland Government public authorities.

State Records New South Wales

Short Courses

State Records NSW provides short course training on a range of topics for recordkeeping practitioners in the NSW public sector. State Records staff conducts some of the courses and others are outsourced to our training partners – Recordkeeping Innovation, Siller Systems Administration and Synercon Management Consulting.

Of note, courses are run both in metropolitan Sydney (CBD and western Sydney) and in regional centres. A number of these are also provided in regional locations.

Courses on the program include:

Records Management Fundamentals

a two day course which covers the fundamental principles and practices of records management.

Managing Digital Records: An Introduction

a one day course which provides participants with an understanding of some of the frameworks and tools required to manage digital records appropriately.  It helps participants to understand and implement the requirements in the Standard on digital recordkeeping.

Implementing a Retention and Disposal Authority

a one-day course that provides participants with information on how to use a retention and disposal authority, implement disposal programs and prepare records for transfer to State Records. In addition, there are two other sector specific one day courses – Retention and Disposal of Public Health Sector Records and Implementing GDA10 Local Government Records.

Using a keyword thesaurus

a one-day course that provides participants with information on records classification, using classification tools and how to classify records.

Transferring State Records

a one-day practical program providing participants with the opportunity to develop necessary skills to propose and prepare State records for transfer as State archives.

How to get ahead with Recordkeeping

State Records NSW also has a tool for the delivery of in-house training by public sector bodies. This is a downloadable PowerPoint presentation with customisable training notes for records managers to adapt and use to train staff in their recordkeeping responsibilities.

Managing Local Collections

State Records in partnership with the Royal Australian Historical Society is presenting Managing Local Collections Workshops. The seminar offer societies and groups basic advice on: storage; collection polices arrangement and description; preventative conservation; databases; digitisation and access polices.

Online training

State Records NSW has an extensive range of free online learning modules about records, recordkeeping and records management. Various modules have been developed with different audiences in mind, including records and information managers, ICT professionals and all staff within the organisation. The modules include the following topics

Role of the Nominated Senior Office

– The Nominated Senior Officer (NSO) is the person in an organisation who has been assigned strategic responsibility for the organisation-wide records management program. This online module explains in detail what a NSO is, what is expected of them and why the role is important. It also provides guidance to assist the NSO to perform their role.

Recordkeeping and you: supervisors and managers

– This online module assists all supervisors and managers in the organisation to understand their recordkeeping responsibilities when working for the NSW government

Recordkeeping concepts

– This online module assists staff in records management units, who are new to records management, to understand fundamental records management concepts. These concepts provide an essential foundation when learning how to manage records in the NSW public sector.

Digital Recordkeeping Concepts

– This online module assists records managers and staff of records management units who have some experience in records management understand digital recordkeeping concepts. These concepts provide an essential foundation when learning how to manage digital records in the NSW public sector.

Framework for recordkeeping in the NSW public sector

– This online module assists records managers and staff of records management units to understand the legislative, policy and business frameworks for recordkeeping in the NSW public sector.

Email management Part A and Part B

– This online module assists records managers and staff of records management units to understand best practice in relation to the creation, capture, management, storage and disposal of email. It explores legal and other issues in email management and provides advice on strategies to improve the management of email in the organisation.

What records management can do for you

– This online module aims to give ICT professionals in your organisation an overview of how records management techniques and skills can help to manage digital information and achieve business objectives

Recordkeeping and you

– This online module assists all staff in the organisation to understand their broad responsibilities for making and managing records when working for the NSW government.

Your responsibilities for managing email

– This online module assists all staff in the organisation to understand their broad responsibilities for managing email, particularly email messages that need to be saved and kept as records. It is designed to be used in conjunction with an organisation’s specific policies, procedures and business rules on email management

Record Managers’ Forums

State Records NSW runs regular Forums for public sector information and records management staff to provide information on strategic initiatives, standards, new products, operational issues and matters considered to be of interest and assistance to records managers. The Forums also provide an opportunity for public office personnel to interact with each other and State Records staff, and to hear case studies from other public offices.

State Records of South Australia

State Records of South Australia (SRSA) provides a wide range of accredited and non-accredited training courses to State and Local Government records management practitioners as well as the private sector.

SRSA’s approach ensures that a comprehensive range of records and archival management training is available and that individuals can build on existing knowledge.  The framework consists of a tiered approach, including induction courses, operational courses, Vocational Education and Training courses and post-graduate courses.

Business Information Management Program

An integrated suite of postgraduate programs commenced in March 2007 via a new Business Information Management (BIM) Chair at the University of SA (UniSA), with courses leading to a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters Degree. The study programs integrate concepts and disciplines such as library, records, archival and knowledge management.

The BIM Chair was established through a partnership between SRSA, the State Library, Fuji Xerox and UniSA.

Certificate Course

Through an auspice agreement with TAFE SA, SRSA delivers the nationally accredited Certificates III and IV in Recordkeeping (BSB07 qualification).  These Certificate courses provide participants with records management and business skills that they can apply directly to their workplace.

These courses are available either face-to-face or via correspondence.

Operational Courses – Records and Archival Management

SRSA regularly conducts the following assessment-based training courses:

  • Using General Disposal Schedule 15 for State Government agencies
  • Using General Disposal Schedule 20 for Local Government authorities
  • Using a Keyword Thesaurus to classify and control records
  • Using the Local Government Thesaurus to classify and control records
  • Records Series Identification and Transfer
  • Vital Records Protection
  • Disaster Preparedness Planning for Records Professionals
  • RM awareness for State & Local Government agencies

Currently these courses are all offered as traditional face to face delivery either onsite at SRSA or within the regions.

Operational Courses – Freedom of Information

SRSA regularly conducts ‘Freedom of Information for Accredited FOI Officers’ courses for State and Local Government employees.  The Australian Government Solicitor has previously run these courses on State Records’ behalf; however from 2009/10 onwards this course is being run using in-house staff.  State Records has taken this opportunity to revise the course structure and it is now separated into 4 distinct modules that participants can attend over a number of months.  Completion of all four modules enables the participant to be designated as an Accredited FOI Officer under the SA FOI Act.

SRSA also provides a series of FOI and Privacy awareness courses.

SRSA is currently developing an FOI Training Strategy that will outline further developments in FOI training.

Induction Courses

Currently two short courses are available online. They are a prerequisite for the operational training courses listed above and have a self-assessment component.

  • Induction to Records Management
  • Induction to Freedom of Information

‘Induction to Records Management’ and ‘Induction to Freedom of Information’ are suitable for inclusion in Agency’s general induction programs.

In addition to these courses being offered on-line, we are able to deliver these courses to agencies as a face to face option.

Regional Training

Training is offered to regional government agencies and authorities on an as-needs basis and can be tailored to meet individual agency needs.

State Records Office of Western Australia

The State Records Office of Western Australia (SRO) provides archival and records management services to all State and local government agencies in Western Australia. To assist agencies in the proper creation, management and disposal of State records, the SRO provides training in various facets of information management.

In order to better serve our regional clients the SRO offers a customised training service, whereby, upon agreement between the SRO and the client, agency specific training is undertaken outside of the metropolitan area in exchange for the agency sponsoring the travel and accommodation of the course presenter.

Similarly customised training can be arranged for large metropolitan government agencies who wish to arrange for one or more tailored training sessions.

The following are descriptions of the induction, training and seminars offered by the State Records Office.

Introduction to Records Management Practices

Introduces participants to the full range of modern records and information management concepts. Participants completing the course are able to assist in the development of improved corporate information management practices within their agencies.

Retention & Disposal Authority Design, Development and Records Appraisal

An approved Retention and Disposal Authority plans the life of records from creation through to disposal. Participants are guided through the development, implementation, maintenance and review of such an authority.  The training introduces the concepts of records appraisal and sentencing, disposal authorisation processes and preparation of archives for transfer to meet accountability and statutory requirements.

Compiling a Functional Keyword Thesaurus

This two day workshop is designed for people who need to compile, maintain and review a functional keyword thesaurus. It provides an understanding of practical keyword classification tools and the skills to compile a thesaurus for functional records.

Local Government Recordkeeping Practices and Records Retention, Disposal and Archiving

This course is designed for local government officers who are responsible for managing the records within their local government authority. Participants are introduced to recordkeeping practices with a local government focus and the General Disposal Authority for Local Government Records. This course is designed to make local government personnel conversant with this tool so that they are able to implement effective disposal programs in their own organizations.

Disaster Planning

Natural or man-made disasters pose a catastrophic threat to an agency’s store of information, yet disaster planning is frequently overlooked. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the concepts of disaster planning, its implications for information management programs and suggest practical prevention methods.

Performance Indicators in Records Management

This hands-on workshop looks at developing and implementing performance indicators for records management to enable agencies to monitor and assess the accountable management of public records.

Digital Recordkeeping

This course examines how to effectively manage digital records and how to meet legislative requirements for digital recordkeeping. Issues covered include establishing needs, capture and control of digital records, metadata and retention and disposal issues.

Cloud Computing

Looks at issues to be considered when entering into cloud computing arrangements to enable agencies to assess the risks and make informed decisions regarding management of records and data in a cloud environment.

Elected Members Induction

Provides local government elected members with an overview of the State Records Act 2000 and their recordkeeping responsibilities under the Act.

Guild Councillors Induction

Provides University Student Guild councillors with an overview of the State Records Act 2000 and their recordkeeping responsibilities under the Act.

Central Institute of Technology, Perth Campus

  • Certificate III in Recordkeeping
  • Certificate IV in Recordkeeping
  • Diploma of Recordkeeping


Within Australia: 1300 300 822

Outside Australia: +61 8 9427 1055

Monday to Friday between 8am – 5pm (WST).

Territory Records Office (ACT)

Certificates III & IV in Recordkeeping (BSB30807) & (BSB41707)

The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) offers both Certificate III and Certificate IV level courses, which are utilised by ACT Government agencies for the training of agency Records Managers.

The CIT has also developed a three-hour ‘Introduction to Recordkeeping in the ACT Government’ session, which is utilised by all ACT Government public servants for both induction and refresher training. The content of this course is currently being reviewed so that it can be delivered online in an eLearning format.

Donald Horne Institute at the University of Canberra

The Institute was established at the University of Canberra in 2008 for the study, interpretation, conservation and appreciation of cultural heritage.  The objective of the Institute is to integrate teaching and research in collaboration with national and international cultural heritage institutions, agencies, other universities as well as professional bodies and community organisations.  The teaching program comprises the Bachelor of Cultural Heritage and the Bachelor of Cultural Heritage Conservation. The Institute also provides a program of short courses for professionals and community organisations.

Records and Information Management Community of Practice

The Territory Records Office facilitates meetings of a Community of Practice for records managers and others within the ACT Public Service with an interest in or responsibility for records and information management. The Community meets five times per year to share information and address common problems, and meetings generally include presentations, briefings or demonstrations of new tools or initiatives.